Debunking Soap Myths – interview with The New York Times Style Magazine Singapore
Jason and Karen Tay -both 41, are founders of The Soap Haven, together with their 15 year old daughter, Elizabeth. Since switching from commercial soaps to The Soap Haven's products, Eczema and various other skin issues are now a thing of the past!
Jason and Karen Tay -founders of The Soap Haven, together with their 15 year old ElizabethDebunking the myths concerning soaps
Debunking the myth that "soaps are drying"! The difference between good and bad soaps!
Karen Gan, a former lawyer and former director of a charity, the co-founder of The Soap Haven, who was healed from Eczema (contact dermatitis), only uses The Soap Haven's products for her skincare needs. She believes in helping others heal naturally with their natural skincare products. Check out the exclusive interview by The New York Times Style Magazine Singapore, with Karen. Her whole family switched from commercial chemical cleansers to their very own brand of skincare from top to toe - from shampoo to soaps for face and body wash as well as their own moisturizing cream and balms! Read about their Journey. Did you know?Glycerin is a natural by-product of the soap-making process and whilst commercial manufacturers remove the glycerin for use in their more profitable lotions and creams with lots of chemicals and parabens, our handcrafted soap retains glycerin in each and every bar! Learn more about why The Soap Haven's handmade soaps are so moisturising and how they help with skin issues too.