Did you know? When you say Yes to Organic Palm Oil you are saying NO to HAZE?
Our organic soap and plant-based natural soap use organic "sustainable" palm.
In recent times, "bio-diesel" (and the need for edible non-hydrogenated oils) has created a huge demand for palm oil. Palm oil is only harvested significantly in tropical (rain forest) regions like in Indonesia and thus the problem. More demand for "palm oil" means more deforestation. And deforestation using burn and slash methods by many farmers who wants to make a quick buck through having land that is fertile and quickly cleared. And you know what happens? HAZE in our air!!!
Using "organic palm oil" means it is a renewable and sustainable resource. Our organic palm will not as likely contribute to the "palm thirsty" industry which ultimately causes more deforestation. Organically cultivated palm does not pollute the land and OUR AIR!
All-in-One Eczema Healing Kit (Unscented - suitable also for babies and children and sensitive skin)
Note: Because of the special pricing for bundle kit, there is no further discount with coupon codes for gift sets and promos. FREE Smartpac shipping of 2-3 working days included!...