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Debunking Soap Myths – interview with The New York Times Style Magazine Singapore

​Jason and Karen Tay -both 41, are founders of The Soap Haven, together with their 15 year old daughter, Elizabeth​. Since switching from commercial soaps...
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Is There a Cure for Eczema?

Natural Treatment for EczemaDid you know more than 1 in 5 people have eczema in Singapore and also in USA?Since you’re on this section, you...
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Nutrition for Your Skin

Your Skin Needs NutritionDid you know that your skin is the largest organ in your body and needs the right nutrition for it to be...
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Say No to Haze with Organic Sustainable Palm Oil!

Say No to Haze! When you say YES to Non-GMO, Organic Palm Oil in our soaps, you are saying NO to the HAZE! Did you...
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2 Step Natural Treatment for Eczema

Have you tried our 2-step Natural Treatment for Eczema with our Best Sellers? This by far is the most effective treatment with our customers with...
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